
«Excellence» label icons

ANCEE’s grant strategy


  • Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA)
  • African Development Bank (AfDB)
  • Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • African Power Utilities
  • ANCEE Centres of Excellences 

Préambule : 

As a reminder, the grant mechanism presented and validated in 2019 as part of the ANCEE activities provided grants of 25% and 50% for the benefit of Power utilities according to their fragility on the training actions programmed in face-to-face or in situ with the centres of excellence.

The update of this grant mechanism follows the joint comments provided by the donors on the first version introduced to them on 09 December 2020 following the last ANCEE Steerco of the year.

It is important to stress that this mechanism is not a substitute for the efforts of the Power utilities to invest in training but rather an accompaniment to these investment efforts to ensure the optimization and continuity of service of the infrastructures by the training and capacity building.

It is equally important to mention that this mechanism is involved in a transitional step from an all out grant phase to a fully paid training phase, taking into account a transitional period for subsidies. This transitional period still needs to be maintained during the second phase of  ANCEE, which runs until 2026.

Also, the expected impact will only be strengthened knowing that the grant mechanism, drawing its budget from that of scholarships, will only be able to generate more certificates issued while maintaining, through preferential grant rates and incentives, the interest in more training on energy transition and renewable energy, as well as more women’s participation in technical training provided by centres of excellence.

This mechanism will henceforth integrate all the training methods used within the ANCEE (Face-to-face, in situ and remote) and takes into account the updated list of fragile countries attached to this note which allows for the application of differentiated rates according to the utilitie’s membership in a fragile or less fragile country.

Device of the ANCEE grant mechanism:

The ANCEE, built around ten (10) Training Centers expressly selected to become icons of the label «Excellence», is the guarantee of training conforming to the high standards of pedagogical and professional quality retained by the APUA.

Since its creation, ANCEE has supported electricity companies to implement their training plans through the allocation of grants, in a first phase, financed with funds from the AfDB and AFD.

The unrestricted funds of the donors initially intended for the financing of scholarships, are now used to subsidize paid training, the cost of which will be partially borne by the client company (training sold).

The ANCEE grant will be funded with funds from component 3 “training for the sector” of the ANCEE project, initially dedicated to the financing of grants. The amounts of grants allocated will have to respect the commitments made by ANCEE vis-à-vis its partners. As such, ANCEE will be able to justify that the grants were allocated taking into account the initial objectives of the project:

  • 50% to employees of utilities located in fragile states.
  • 33% to women.
  • 20% to training in the renewable energy sector and energy transition.

The updated strategy of the grant scheme aims to provide an accompanying service to the training plans of the power utilities through the granting of a grant according to the following levels and criteria:

  • face-to-face and in-situ training: 25% (non fragile countries) and 50% (fragile countries), + 15 pts for training on energy transition and +10% for training women in the technical field.
  • Distance learning (e-learning, blended learning, video-training): 50% (non fragile countries) and 75% (fragile countries), +15 points for training on energy transition and +10% for training women in technical training.

The different subsidy rates applied are shown in the table below


Type of training Pays de la Société  grant rate Bonus for Renewable Energy and Transition


Bonus for women’s participation


Maximum rate grant
Face to face and in-situ Fragile 50% +15% +10% +75%
Non fragile 25% +15% +10% +50%
E-learning, blended learning and visio-training Fragile 75% +15% +10% +100%
Non fragile 50% +15% +10% +75%


Conclusion :

These incentive subsidy rates, which range from 25% and can reach up to 100% of the cost of training, make it possible to better direct RACEE’s contribution to training by promoting training that benefits fragile countries, supporting training in renewable energy and encouraging women’s participation in technical training.
Also, given the continuing health pandemic, additional encouragement is given to the use of distance learning.

In addition, the remaining stock market training granted and not carried out may always be requested during this period for the beneficiary companies that confirm their interest in such training (this scheme does not cancel the ANCEE grant system).

These various facilities granted and applied to the training offered by the centres of excellence should no doubt be in line with the objectives set at the start of the project, namely:

  • 50% to employees of companies located in fragile states
  •  33% to women
  •  20% training in the renewable energy sector;

List of fragile countries

In Africa, 33 countries are classified as least developed countries according to the United Nations:

Training offers

ANCEE offers 3 training modes:

► On-site training (face-to-face) in centres of excellence: characterized by

  • A dynamic training method based on reinforced theoretical and practical courses that promote a competency-based approach.
  • A comprehensive training material provided to each learner that is very useful in everyday practice
  • Practitioners with proven, multidisciplinary experience

► In-situ training (face to face ) in the country of the beneficiary utility: building on

  • A dynamic training method based on reinforced theoretical and practical courses that promote a competency-based approach.
  • A comprehensive training material provided to each learner that is very useful in everyday practice
  • Practitioners with proven, multidisciplinary experience

► Online learning (E-learning, Blended learning)

  • Educational materials adapted and really corresponding to the needs of the people who have chosen this mode of learning.
  • Online learning resources available 24/7, allow learners to work where they want, when they want
  • Self-Assessment Exercises: quizzes, crosswords, diagrams to be reconstructed…
  • Case studies
  • Slideshows synthesizing the essentials
  • A pedagogical reference trainer to answer your questions and follow your progress
  • A dedicated forum to engage with peers who are on the same program
  • Tutoring is provided for each learner.

Areas of training

The main areas of training are:

  • Electricity distribution (operation, maintenance and security)
  • Electricity Generation (Operations and Maintenance)
  • Transmission of electricity (operation and maintenance)
  • Sales of electricity
  • Electricity Billing and Pricing
  • Technical and non-technical losses of electricity
  • Electrical power line assembly jobs
  • Renewable energy and energy transition, electric energy efficiency
  • Rural Electrification
  • Governance, management and management
  • Study and development
  • Specific and tailored training

ANCEE trainers have a wealth of experience in animation pedagogy and a great professionalism in electrical trades concerning in particular management, operation and maintenance.

ANCEE training catalog

Contents Catalog 2022 – 2023

1. Production
2. Transportation
3. Distribution
5. Renewable energies
6. Digitization 29
7. Rural Electrification
8. Regulation
9. Governance & cross-functional functions
10. Online training