Signature between APUA/ANCEE and CEGEP of the ESIE feasibility study contract

The Association of Power Utilities of Africa (Apua) and the Federation of Colleges of General and Vocational Education (Cegep) de Trois Rivières au Canada – signed on Monday, July 12, 2021 in Cocody-Vallon in the presence of the Ambassador of Canada, His Excellency Claude Demers, a consultancy contract for the feasibility study for the reopening of the Inter-African Higher School of Electricity (Esie) in the coming years. After the signing ceremony, the signatories were received by the Minister of Mines, Oil and Energy, Mr.Thomas Camara, at his office located on the 15th floor of the Sciam building in the Plateau. Thomas Camara congratulated the parties and promised them to get involved in the conduct of the case.

Abel Didier Tella, APUA Director General, explained that the reopening of the school stems from the need to meet the needs of member companies, especially because of the evolution of the sector, especially from the technical and technological point of view. “Apua understood that it should never have abandoned the Inter-African Higher School of Electricity (Esie),” he admitted.

This agreement is one of the important steps towards the creation of the African Network of Centres of Excellence for Electricity (ANCEE). Above all, “this study is by far the most complex and sensitive given the stakeholders involved and its priority for the African power sector,” he said.

As for Philippe Mpeck, Cegep project manager at Trois Rivières in Canada, he was pleased that his institution was selected to lead the project. Philippe Mpeck also pointed out that the terms of reference contained in the invitation to tender required results at the level of the legal form of the school, but also on the academic, technical and governance aspects.

Family photo after signing documents

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