ANCEE Annual activity report ACTIVITY From January 1 to December 31, 2022

The activity report closed on December 31, 2022 summarizes all the activities carried out during the year 2022 as well as a retrospective of the activities since the launch of the project.

 It should be said that the year 2022, by the activities carried out, differs considerably from the two previous years characterized by a strong resumption of activities, particularly in terms of new training requests and an acceleration of activities relating to the acquisition of goods and services. The highly encouraging results recorded during the 2022 financial year and included in this report are the perfect illustration of this.

 It is understood that these results were made possible thanks to the efforts made by the entire coordination team, the member centers of excellence of ANCEE, the general secretariat of ASEA, thanks also to the constantly growing interest of `a large number of PoEs towards ANCEE activities as well as the understanding, assistance and availability of donors who have not failed to support ANCEE through their orientations and recommendations.

 This dynamic certainly deserves to be supported and encouraged for a better positioning of ANCEE, which is now essential in the African landscape in terms of capacity building.

As such, we summarize below the main events that characterized the year 2022.

Extension of grants: In order to allow the completion of the actions undertaken during the 2022 financial year in particular, the AfDB and the AFD have given their agreement to the extension of the grants until December 31, 2023.

The agreements were notified respectively on December 15, 2022 for AfDB and January 3, 2023 for AFD. AFD`s agreement will be materialized by amendment No. 4 to the agreement.

Donor supervision mission: Organization in Tunis of a joint donor supervision mission from November 29 to December 1, 2022 to review ANCEE activities, the achievement of objectives and the impact of the project.

Governance: Holding of the second statutory Copil of the year on November 28 and 29, 2022 after the one organized on July 15, 2022 in Dakar.

The steerco made it possible to present the activities recorded during the year, which showed a marked increase compared to the two previous years, to update the respective budgets and proceed to their validation by the donors, to introduce the post-training evaluation approach within the network and to submit to the members of the steerco the draft amendments to the memorandums of understanding concerning accession to ANCEE.

This 12th session was the subject of a meeting report and resolutions validated on the spot which are annexed to this report.

Contractual aspects: Implementation of three amendments to equipment contracts whose deadlines have expired (De Lorenzo (1 and 2) and Elexpert), two amendments for feasibility studies (CEGEP and IPC), an amendment to the agreement (Sonelgaz services) and an amendment currently being validated for communication tools.

Acquisition of equipment: Reception of equipment and completion of training for four (4) CoEs: VRA, KENGEN, NAPTIN and CME, start of delivery of equipment for KGRTC; pending delivery for two (2) CdEs: EEHC and CSTE, while the equipment contract for STEG is being signed.

Studies (feasibility): Completion of the CEGEP study for the reopening of ESIE, signing of contracts for feasibility studies and implementation for two (2) CoEs: STEG (with IPC) and NIGELEC (with ACC) , there is still one study being selected for EDM SA (Mali);

Training: Processing of 25 training requests from 23 utilities covering 529 training topics resulting in the selection of 132 training topics for the benefit of 1,328 people to be trained. The processing of these requests as of December 31, 2022 has resulted in the implementation of 28 contracts signed or in the process of being signed between APUA and the CoE on the one hand and APUA and the Pu on the other. go. The processing of applications will continue in 2023 until saturation of the envelope dedicated to grants, the balance of which as of December 31, 2022 according to the adjusted financing plans and the status of disbursements on the same date is 828,576 euros (644 916 on the AfDB and 183,660 on the AFD). As for the implementation of training, these will be spread over the whole of 2023.

Physical training indicators: the indicators as of December 31, 2022 show a cumulative number of people trained of 7,359 people (with 1,070 people in 2022), including 4,494 face-to-face, 2,338 in situ and 527 in e-learning.

Of all the people trained, 21% benefited from full support (seminars for top and middle management, training workshops), 34% benefited from scholarships and 45% from partially subsidized training. ANCEE activities saw the participation of 1,147 women. In terms of training areas, technical topics predominate with 69%, while 16% relate to Renewable Energies and 12% relate to cross-functional functions. The use of scholarships reached 2,458 scholarships out of a total of 2,594 scholarships, i.e. a rate of 95% as of December 31, 2022.

Needs identification missions: Reconnaissance mission in Angola from March 28 to April 1, 2022, participation in the Dakar congress (Copil and Exhibition) from July 14 to 21, 2022, Mission to REG (Rwanda) from July 25 to 28, 2022, joint mission respectively to EEC (Eswatini) and BPC (Botswana) from August 13 to 25, 2022, participation in the CIGRE congress (Paris) from August 27 to September 1, 2022, mission to SEEG (Gabon) from September 19 to 22, 2022, and organization of a workshop on post-training evaluation in Abuja (Nigeria) from October 24 to 27, 2022.

Communication: virtual meetings are regularly held with the CoE and Pu teams to agree on the educational conditions for organizing and holding training, particularly when it comes to in situ training.

Partnership: a webinar extended to utilities and regulators was held at the beginning of the year with the contribution of APUA and TSG. The webinar focused on assessing the capacity building needs of regulators as part of the implementation of priority actions for the advent of the single African electricity market.

Preparation of ANCEE 2.0: several virtual meetings were held during the year with the Cap competence study office and the donors for the finalization of the study which should serve as a basis for starting the validation process within the internal bodies of the donors. .

Financial indicators: the level of achievements (disbursements) as of December 31, 2022 shows an amount of €10,056,033, i.e. a rate of 78.92% of the total amount of the project. The cumulative achievements show respectively 77.08% on AfDB funds and 84.91% on AFD funds. The achievement rates by type of activity are given below:

– Operation which includes training actions, the organization of training workshops for trainers of CoEs and CoTs as well as the organization of forums and leadership workshops shows a consolidated achievement rate of 94.25 %,

– Services that integrate the various feasibility studies, audits, support services, evaluations and design of training modules show a disbursement rate of 74.07%,

– Goods concern the acquisition of didactic equipment for centers of excellence and training centers, the disbursement rate for this activity is 38.62% explained by the delays recorded in the delivery of equipment but also by the method of direct payment which saw several invoices being the subject of numerous payment attempts before validation.

Annual rate of change by type of activity: the annual rate of change in disbursements between December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022 is 14.85%, a marked increase compared to the rate of change recorded between 2020 and 2021 and which was 11.10%. This rate is mainly explained by the start of payments on equipment financed on the AfDB line as well as by disbursements on feasibility studies which are experiencing a considerable rate of progress.

Commitments: the level of commitments as of December 31, 2022 takes into account all signed contracts not yet paid (disbursed), signed training contracts in progress, and signed orders not yet paid, in addition to the amount disbursed as of December 31, 2022. The amount of commitments as of December 31, 2022.

Amounts to 11,732,346 euros representing a commitment rate of 92.1% of the amount of the project.

AfDB and AFD special accounts: the balance as of December 31, 2022 on the AfDB special account is 489,230.4 euros, it should essentially make it possible to pay all expenses for training subsidies as well as operation.

The balance as of December 31, 2022 on the AFD special account is 296,403,245 FCFA (equivalent to 451,863.8 euros), it should allow the payment of ongoing contracts for the IPC (STEG) and ACC (NIGELEC) studies, the training grant for 183,660 euros, the operation of the UDC as well as the commitments planned for 2023, in particular the closing balance sheet and the audit for the 2022 financial year.

Action plan 2023: The year 2023 will be devoted to the continuation of the processing of training requests received from electricity companies with an insistence on the control of deadlines from the establishment of contracts until their entry into force and closing on December 31, 2023. To this end, the balance of the subsidies on the training line in the amount of 333.956 euros as of December 31, 2022 will be entirely consumed.

 In addition, the four remaining equipment contracts on the AfDB (De Lorenzo x2, Elexpert and Lucas) will be fully accepted and settled, the three feasibility studies (IPC, ACC and CEGEP) completed and settled, the selection processes for the audit of the 2022 financial year, the closing balance sheet (AFD) and the evaluation at the completion of the project (AfDB) as well as the audit of the Centers of Excellence completed and executed.

Conclusion: In view of the results achieved as of December 31, 2022 and taking into account the additional year 2023 granted by the donors to complete all the operations by December 31, 2023, the following should be highlighted:

– the renewed interest in ANCEE on the part of the Electricity Companies, which is reflected in the growing number of requests received by the CU and increasingly edifying testimonies on the added value of these training courses on the performance of the staff,

– the qualitative aspect which begins to take over in the choice of themes, the content and the relevance of training actions

– the still growing need to overcome the major challenges of PoEs confronted with network operation and maintenance issues. The sustained effort to move towards more solutions using renewable energies, the introduction of digital technology and more energy transition by highlighting incentives for better integration of women in areas related to the energy sector.

  Also, the report focuses on the actions scheduled during the 2023 financial year according to an updated timetable which takes into account the achievements as of December 31, 2022 and reasonable deadlines for the execution and completion of the various actions identified. To do this, the 2023 budget has been updated to cover all the planned expenses not paid in 2022 and thus constitute a ready-made transition for the transition to ANCEE 2.0 currently being reviewed and updated. `assessment by donors.


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